Plot of F2 and F3 (ERB scale) values for the average identification of manipulated formant frequencies by Hindi, Mandarin, and English listeners.
Cross Linguistic Examination of the Production and Perception of Approximants with Irfana Madathodiyil (All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, India).
We are examining how approximants are linked as a class along acoustic-perceptual groups. One of the main goals is to uncover how liquids separate themselves from other approximants in the acoustic-perceptual space. This has been a long standing issue in phonetics because there has been no phonetic evidence to support the superclass of liquids, despite significant phonological evidence. This project is being extended to a cross-linguistic examination of 50 languages to determine what, if any, acoustic properties liquids and approximants have in common. |
Thomson Multitaper Power Spectral Density Estimate for the rounded uvular fricative. The blue line represents the average PSD and the black lines represent m1 and m2, respectively.
Language Documentation and Revitalization with Sonya Bird (University of Victoria, Canada).
Our aim with this project is to examine acquisition trajectories for L2 learners of Hul’q’umi’num’. We are comparing spectral moments from fricatives and affricates for L2 learners at different stages of acquisition and comparing them to L1 speakers. Our goal is to understand acquisition trajectories and how internalized L2 structure develops with experience. We are also examining the complex and rare posterior fricative system (3-way velar/uvular fricative) in Hul’q’umi’num’. Our goal is to understand how this system is maintained through spectral cues. |